Friday, June 29, 2012

Staging in a tiny apartment.....

Atomic wire chairs
Cute as can be!

I really love these chairs. The lovely atomic swoop design of the back and even the *gag* (dreaded by my husband) upholstery. I just think they couldn't be more adorable BUT perhaps they can because they just got picked up and will be getting a modern face lift from a happy new owner :) Wish I could see the result!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Here and gone to a good friend! SO I will get to sit in it again! So comfy....

Plycraft Lounge 
Always wanted one of these beauties BUT never realized just how HUGE they it had to go to a good friend of mine for their gorgeous new home! So I'm happy :) 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oh Craigslist.......

 Can't get over these gorgeous chairs!! Alas, they are far too pricey :(
 Recent purchase: Refinished to perfection by The Pink Squirrel
 Still have a broken heart that this one got away.....this was the only picture provided but this was all I needed to know it was gorgeous...
 Adorable bar stools

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Alameda Antique Fair success!

Lovely little dresser! Goodbye to happy home!
No takers on these lamps....couldn't believe it...*sigh*

Custom vintage kids desks anyone??